
From Albion Rising
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Character Name Here
Name Enter Name
Alias(es) Enter Alias
Position Enter in character position
Gender Male or Female?
Born Month DY - Age ??
Place of Birth
Status Player Character or NPC
OOC Account your RPG account name
Affiliation Who are they affiliated with? Camelot? The Druids?
Avatar Tom Hopper
Theme Song [URL to theme song here name of song and artist here]

Character job sentence here.

Physical Description[edit | edit source]

  • Height: ?ft ?in
  • Weight: ??? pounds
  • Eye Color: ???
  • Hair Color: ???
  • Hair Style: ???

Family[edit | edit source]

  • Father: Who is the father? Name should have two brackets on either side of it.
  • Mother: Who is the mother? Name should have two brackets on either side of it.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Please enter skills.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Please enter appearance.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Please enter personality.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Coming Soon...

Extra's[edit | edit source]

Anything else?